This collection of samples demonstrates uses of the Fortran-friendly OpenGL support in Intel® Visual Fortran. OpenGL is a library of graphic functions that create sophisticated graphic displays such as 3-D images and animation. OpenGL is commonly available on workstations. Writing to this standard allows your program to be ported easily to other platforms.

Intel Visual Fortran provides an OpenGL module, IFOPNGL.MOD, invoked with the USE statement line:


The module is an interface to the Windows implementation of OpenGL. When you use this module, all constants and interfaces that bind Fortran to the OpenGL routines become available. Any link libraries required to link with an OpenGL program are automatically searched if USE IFOPNGL is present in your Fortran program.

For more information, see Advanced Graphics Using OpenGL in Using Intel Visual Fortran to Create and Build Windows-Based Applications.

System Requirements

Minimum requirements include a PC based on an IA-32 or Intel® 64 architecture processor supporting the Intel® Streaming SIMD Extensions 2 (Intel® SSE2) instructions (Intel® Pentium® 4 processor or later, or compatible non-Intel processor), and supported versions of the Microsoft Windows* operating system, Microsoft Visual Studio*, and the Intel® Visual Fortran compiler. Refer to the Intel® Parallel Studio XE product Release Notes for details on the complete system requirements.

Build Instructions

Expand the ZIP file to a writable directory of your choice. The collection can be built using the command-line build script build.bat file that is provided for the collection. The build.bat file accepts an optional command-line argument from the following list:

Alternatively, refer to the individual readme.html file included with each individual sample for information about building and executing the sample using either the Microsoft Visual Studio* solution or command-line build script build.bat file included with each individual sample.


This collection includes the following samples – refer to the readme.html in each subfolder for further details:


Demonstrates animation (rotation) of a color-shaded triangle. The sample also shows use of Windows message handling, including keypress recognition.

Puzzle - Cube

A complex sample demonstrating animation of colored cube puzzle. It includes sophisticated interactive menu controls to manipulate the cube.


Demonstrates animation (rotation) of five colored rings in the display window. The sample also shows use of Windows message handling, including keypress recognition.